个人的能量补充卡 (数字频率配方)


Quantum NRG Bio 印记器可以被描述为频率的接收器/发射器。它能够印记一个人随身携带的个人能量卡,其设计目的是将任何微妙或粗略的能量场放大多达 10,000 倍,并将其传输到个人能量卡。该设备在前面板上有 12 个预设代码,它们是正频率。这些可以单独或多次激活。这 12 个频率可以印在个人能量卡上,供客户带走。


这些卡片经过专门设计,以便由 Quantum NRG 设备进行压印。这些卡由制造商使用一种特殊的专利方法进行预格式化,该方法允许 Quantum NRG 设备将其频率印在个人能量卡上。
个人能量卡看起来很像您的日常信用卡 - 背面有一条磁条。
个人能量卡是 Quantum NRG 生物印记器独有的。个人能量卡可以根据需要单独印制。
Quantum NRG Bio-Imprinter 仪器内置了 12 个 12 Good Vibration 预设。这些被发现是最常见的请求。

Quantum NRG 生物印记器是一种与 EPFX(也称为 EDUCTOR 或 SCIO)配合使用的设备(或作为具有一组有限预编程频率的独立设备)。

它直接插入 EDUCTOR/SCIO/EPFX,可以将软件中找到的任何频率直接传输到所谓的个人能量卡中。然后,接收者可以拿走这张卡片,如果放在附近,可以在接收者进行日常活动时将其能量提供给接收者。使用 Quantum NRG,客户可以拥有与治疗中相同的能量,直到下次访问!

这是一个通过两项极具活力和有效的服务为量子生物反馈实践注入活力的机会。结合在一起,Quantum NRG 只是将 EDUCTOR/SCIO/EPFX 提升到一个新的水平,从而增强了所有进门客户的实践和体验。您不仅可以获得常规的 Quantum 生物反馈服务,现在还可以使用 Quantum NRG 生物印记器及其个人能量卡获得额外服务。

由 Quantum NRG 生物印记器创建的 NRG 卡既可以根据个人需求创建,提供易于吸收的补充频率,也可以更多地针对一般症状创建,例如消化、激素、抗衰老等。这些卡片还被编程以解决独特的个人问题。可以将各种物质放置在不锈钢板上,进行加工和压印,以产生所需频率的连续输送。一旦 NRG 卡被编程,频率传输就是连续的。如果您在个性化 NRG 卡的 1.5 米范围内,您就进入了能量交换领域。这非常方便和便携,我们的大多数客户都使用这些卡片作为健康和康复的补充措施。

Quantum NRG Bio Imprinter 可以被描述为频率的接收器和发射器,是一种电子放大设备。它输出一个复波特征,其基本特征频率为 4 Hz。Quantum NRG 生物印记器能够压印个人能量卡或 NRG 卡,这些卡会向携带它的人发射频率。
NRG 卡放置在背书器中独特的读卡器端口或右侧银板上,这允许将信息输出编码到专门预先准备好的磁卡表面。NRG 卡背面的磁条可以轻松容纳超过 30,000 个签名频率。

Quantum NRG 可以单独使用,将 NRG 中内置的频率编程到卡上。NRG 卡内置的频率是:

  • 浓度
  • 生产力
  • 放松
  • 保护
  • 繁荣
  • 和谐
  • 康复
  • 活力
  • 过敏
  • 排毒
  • 喜悦

您可以根据需要将任意数量的 API 编程到卡上。您还可以使用 NRG 顶部的板将您放在上面的任何物质的能量转移到卡上。疗法

所有疾病都受益于 EDUCTOR 治疗。

  • 改变你的思维(心理或因果体)并改变你的量子场
  • 改变你的能量模式(电磁体或星体)
  • 改变你的振动(情绪或光环身体)
  • 改善大脑的功能
  • 脑电波放松训练
  • 提高您的生活质量
  • 自然医学疗法
  • 肌肉再教育
  • 改善您的健康
  • 放松训练
  • 帮助而不是伤害
  • 疼痛管理
  • 管理您的疼痛
  • 自我排毒
  • 减轻压力


The Quantum NRG Bio imprinter can be described as a receiver/transmitter of frequencies. It is able to imprint Personal Energy Cards that a person carries with him and is designed to amplify up to 10,000 times any subtle or gross energy fields and transmit these to a Personal Energy Card. The device has 12 preset codes on the front panel which are positive frequencies. These can be activated singularly or in multiples. These 12 frequencies may be imprinted onto a Personal Energy Card for clients to take away with them.

Personal Energy Cards

These cards have been specifically designed in order to be imprinted by The Quantum NRG device. The cards are preformatted by the manufacturer using a special patented method which allows The Quantum NRG Device imprint its frequencies on to the Personal Energy Cards. 
The Personal Energy Cards look much like your everyday credit card -- with a magnetic strip on the back. 
The Personal Energy Cards are unique to the Quantum NRG Bio-Imprinter. The Personal Energy Cards can be individually imprinted to suit needs. 
The Quantum NRG Bio-Imprinter has twelve 12 Good Vibration presets built into the instrument. These were found to be the most common requested.

The Quantum NRG Bio Imprinter is a device that works in conjunction with the EPFX (also known as EDUCTOR or SCIO) (or as a stand-alone device with a limited set of pre-programmed frequencies).

It plugs right into the EDUCTOR/SCIO/EPFX and can transmit any frequency found in the software right into what is called a Personal Energy Card. The card can then be taken by the recipient and, if kept in close proximity, can offer its energies to the recipient while they go about their day-to-day activities. Using the Quantum NRG, clients can have the same energies that they have in their sessions to take along with them until their next visit!

This is an opportunity to fully energize the Quantum Biofeedback Practice with two extremely dynamic and effective services. Coupled together, the Quantum NRG simply takes the EDUCTOR/SCIO/EPFX to the next level thus enhancing the practice and the experience of all clients who walk through the door. Not only will be able to have regular Quantum Biofeedback services -- you can now have an additional service with the use of the Quantum NRG Bio Imprinter and its Personal Energy Cards.

The NRG Cards created by the Quantum NRG Bio Imprinter, can be created both according to individual needs, supplying easily assimilated supplemental frequencies, and can be created more for generalized symptoms, such as digestion, hormones, anti-aging, etc. The cards are also programmed to address unique personal concerns. Various substances can be placed on the stainless steel plate, processed and imprinted to create continuous delivery of the desired frequency. Once the NRG Card is programmed, the frequency delivery is continuous. If you are within 1.5 meters of the Personalized NRG Card, you are in the field of energy exchange. This is very convenient and portable, and most of our clients use the cards as additive measures for health and healing.

The Quantum NRG Bio Imprinter can be described as a receiver and transmitter of frequencies and is an electronic amplification device. It outputs a complex wave signature, which has a base characteristic frequency of 4 Hz. The Quantum NRG Bio Imprinter is able to imprint Personal Energy Cards, or NRG Cards, that emit frequencies to the person who is carrying it. 
The NRG Card is placed in the unique card reader port in the imprinter or on the right silver plate, which allows the output of information to be encoded onto the specially pre-prepared magnetic card surface. The magnetic strip on the back of the NRG Card can easily hold over 30,000 signature frequencies.

The Quantum NRG may be used by itself to program frequencies built into the NRG on to the cards. Frequencies built in to the NRG cards are:

  • Concentration
  • Productivity
  • Relaxation
  • Protection
  • Prosperity
  • Harmony
  • Healing
  • Vitality
  • Allergy
  • Detox
  • Love
  • Joy

You program as many of these as you wish on to the card. You may also use the plates on top of the NRG to transfer the energy of any substance you put there on to the card.