
能够从世界任何地方扫描和治疗个体是 尼尔森博士提出的最深不可测的想法之一,并且一次又一次地证明它非常准确。

当一个人出生时,他们有一种非常特定的能量,这使他们在量子世界中真正与众不同。通过获得患者的全名、出生日期和出生地点,可以开始远程治疗。这项惊人的技术使 EDUCTOR/SCIO 能够在量子世界的任何地方找到个体。与在手机上拨打朋友的电话类似,subspace 允许您在允许的情况下随时拨入任何人。

总之,EDUCTOR/SCIO 结合了您的个人信息,并在它与你独特的量子能量场之间建立了联系。在这种情况下,发送者是 EDUCTOR/SCIO 设备,接收者是 You。此外,您的宠物和家都包含自己的量子能量场。


所有这些都可以通过 EDUCTOR/SCIO 技术进行能量平衡,从而使用量子转经轮实现和谐与丰富。


Long Distance Healing 是通过量子物理学原理完成的 EDUCTOR/SCIO 能量愈合过程。在科学界,这被称为非局部治疗。事实证明,这种治疗方法非常有效。哈佛大学举办非本地治疗研讨会。该医疗机构进行了许多双盲研究,也证明了这种疗法的有效性。


我们生活在一个有趣的时代;随着我们进入 21 世纪,医疗保健的性质正在发生巨大变化。根据 Deepak Chopra 的说法:“为了促进愈合反应,你必须越过身体细胞、组织、器官和系统的所有更粗略的层次----并到达心灵和物质之间的一个连接点,即意识真正开始产生影响的点。

Long Distance Healing 根据 Quantum Physics 工作。在昆腾,一切都是相互关联的。一切都是一个连续整体的一部分。距离不是一个因素。Long Distance Healing 是一种无线技术,其工作原理类似于手机。车库门开启器和电视遥控器通过无线方法工作是相当普遍的。手机可以在更远的距离工作。只需要有一个发送者和一个接收者。在这种情况下,发送方是 EDUCTOR/SCIO/INDIGO 系统设备,接收方是人。

EDUCTOR/SCIO 如何在很远的距离找到特定的人?

医学证明,祈祷可以治愈。祷告如何到达正确的人?通过意图。Quantum EDUCTOR/SCIO 远程治疗如何找到合适的人?通过意图,但也通过设备通过头发样本为特定人类定位的共振频率数。它类似于通用手机号码。要找到这个号码,必须有一个人的姓名、出生日期和地点。使 EDUCTOR/SCIO 独特且非常强大的是设备与客户潜意识之间建立的联系,因为正是潜意识意识到在那个时间点身体内发生的一切。此外,潜意识可以访问体内发生的全部创伤史。


人体的量子级(原子)电磁场,包括有意识和潜意识的能量力,已经被测量并证明超出了人体的范围。这可以在 EDUCTOR/SCIO 上针对心脏和潜意识进行演示。这些测量的能量力的传播距离没有已知的限制。

EDUCTOR/SCIO 使用专利技术来识别并连接到身体独特的量子能量场。此维度是 EDUCTOR/SCIO 独有的,它允许 EDUCTOR/SCIO 和子空间模式下的客户端之间进行远程(非本地)会话。

Being able to scan and treat an individual from any spot in the world is one of the most unfathomable ideas imaginable proposed by Dr. William Nelson/Desire Dubounet, and time after time it has proven to work with great accuracy.

When an individual is born, they have a very specific energy about them, which makes them truly distinct in the quantum world. By having the person's full name, date of birth, and place of birth, distant therapy can begin. This amazing technology allows the EDUCTOR/SCIO to find an individual anywhere in the quantum world. Similar to dialing up a friend on a mobile phone, subspace allows you to dial into any individual at any time, with their permission.

Mathematicians describe subspace as a multidimensional set of possible geographic space superimposed under our universe. There are multiple dimensions in our universe-with one dimension still contacting and uniting all things. This dimension is called Subspace Or the fundamental glue of the consciousness of the universe. 
In summary, the EDUCTOR/SCIO combines your personal information, and creates the connection between it and your unique quantum energy fields. In this case, the sender is the EDUCTOR/SCIO device and the receiver is You. Additionally, your pets and home contain their own quantum energy fields.

Pets, like people, have their own energetic frequencies. Homes contain an accumulation of the quantum energies collected by its inhabitants; past and present, combined with the energies of its geographical location. That being said, businesses have both the energies of the building where business is conducted plus the people that predominantly make up that business.

All of which mentioned, can be energetically balanced with the EDUCTOR/SCIO technology, resulting in harmony and abundance using the Quantum Prayer Wheel.

What is Long Distance/Subspace Healing?

Long Distance Healing is the EDUCTOR/SCIO energetic healing process done through quantum physics principles. In scientific circles this is known as non-local healing. It is a proven scientific fact that this method of healing is extremely effective. Harvard University holds seminars in non-local healing. The medical establishment has performed many double-blind studies that also prove the effectiveness of this type of therapy.

How does it work?

We live in interesting times; the nature of health care is changing dramatically as we begin the twenty-first century. According to Deepak Chopra: "To promote the healing response, you must get past all the grosser levels of the body-cells, tissue, organs and systems----and arrive at a junction point between mind and matter, the point where consciousness actually starts to have an effect."

Long Distance Healing works according to Quantum Physics. In Quantum, everything is connected. Everything is part of a continuous whole. Distance is not a factor. Long Distance Healing is wireless technology and works on a principle similar to the cell phone. It is fairly well accepted that the garage door opener and the television remote work by wireless methods. The cell phone works at even greater distances. There simply has to be a sender and a receiver. In this case the sender is the EDUCTOR/SCIO/INDIGO system device and the receiver is the person.

How does EDUCTOR/SCIO find a particular person at a great distance?

It is a medically proven fact that prayer heals. How does prayer reach the right person? By intent. How does Quantum EDUCTOR/SCIO distance healing find the right person? Through intent, but also through the resonant frequency number that the device locates for a particular human being via a hair sample. It is similar to a universal cell phone number. To locate this number, it is necessary to have a person’s name, date and place of birth. What makes the EDUCTOR/SCIO unique and very powerful is the connection that is made between the device and the clients subconscious since it is the sub-conscious that is aware of everything that is going on within the body at that point in time. Moreover the subconscious has access to a total history of trauma that has occurred within the body.

All matter (be it tissue, organ, mineral, compound or any substance) vibrates at its own specific and unique frequency resulting from electric charges of the particles at the atomic level. This fact is demonstrated through the science Of spectroscopy.

The quantum level (atomic) electromagnetic fields of the human body, including conscious and sub-conscious energy forces have been measured and proven to extend beyond the confines of the human body. This can be demonstrated on the EDUCTOR/SCIO for both the heart and the sub-conscious. There is no known limit to the travel distance of these measured energy forces.

The EDUCTOR/SCIO uses patented technology to identify and connect to the body's unique quantum energy fields. This dimension, unique to the EDUCTOR/SCIO, allows distant (non-local) sessions between the EDUCTOR/SCIO and the client in Subspace mode.