设备更新技术比较表:EPX™️合作 超快速EPR 数据处理 EPR 代表“电生理反应”。获得对来自我们世界的 13,000 多个物品特征的双盲生物反馈应激反应,同时查看整体身体电参数,所有参数均取平均值以显示基于每个客户或患者个性的重要概况。
史诗级准确度 广泛的 EPX™️ 软件是迄今为止最好的,可以更快、更准确地处理对 13,000 多个伏安特征的压力反应数据,并计算“VARHOP”。对这些特征的压力反应是通过客户或患者与系统之间的全面“校准”建立的,从而实现一种“握手”以安全地在他们自己的识别水平上与他们“会面”。我们庞大的数据库拥有营养素、肉瘤、异位症、顺势疗法药物、花精、情绪不可估量因素等的电子签名,我们可以测量对这些的压力反应。EPX™️ 是 30 多年的密集研发的成果。我们是唯一授权这项技术专有知识产权许可的制造商。伏安法如何使用?我们采用独特的三维伏安法分析有机和无机化合物,其“三向量”信息存储在我们包含 13,000 多个项目的数据库中,我们将其称为“矩阵”。这一专有流程也在我们的 510(k) 监管许可中有所概述,这也是我们的系统与众不同之处。然后使用电阻以真正双盲的超快生物速度检测对这些项目的压力反应。与肌肉测试不同,此过程可确保医生和患者都不会干扰结果。这被称为“ Xrroid ”过程。什么是“ VARHOP”?VARHOP 是电压、安培、电阻、水合、氧合和 pH(酸碱平衡)的首字母缩写,如我们的 510(k) 许可中所述。从这些变量中,生物电容、电感、电抗、共振、细胞活力估计等被公式化地转化为平衡尺度。这样我们就能在生物反馈控制论回路中生产出最先进的生物能系统,以确保最大程度的安全性和有效性。许多其他装置仅使用电阻读数,但我们的技术旨在采用“系统”方法,了解这些因素如何在压力和平衡模型中协同工作。我们的系统以有凝聚力的“等级量表”表示这些因素,而不是使用实际参数读数进行诊断。什么是三向量分析?顾名思义,三个向量被用作测量项目轮廓或“特征”的基线。该特征采用比二维频率更复杂的电子形状形式,并且比单独的频率更接近化合物的电子表示。三向量计算既用于分析和存储物质的特征,也用于平衡整体体电参数以减轻压力和保持平衡。
看看你的身体电试图告诉你什么你在 EPX™️ 软件中看到的一切都基于来自你的身体电的通信,由控制自主神经系统功能的超意识驱动。个性化校准过程减少对多个设备的需求显示多个反应性配置文件确保双盲结果显示有意识干预的改进独特的八角形设计与能量哲学兼容。
习惯于高效工作的放松 EPX™️ 旨在在短时间的反应性分析后显示多个数据流。通过提高客户关注度来缩短面试时间 提高客户意识和自我赋权 支持精神敏锐度和放松 更快的软件加载时间,提高压力反应准确性 精简的硬件设计可提高性能 不需要互联网活动即可运行 减少所需的技术支持。
的语言“压力”。我们随意使用这个术语来描述不愉快的压倒性和不适感,但它的意义远不止“痛苦”或积极的“良性压力”。汉斯·塞利博士是第一位在“警报、适应和疲惫”的自适应模型中使用“压力源”一词的科学家,我们的系统也采用了这种模型。 塞利自适应压力模型理想情况下,我们应该对压力源做出“警报”反应,当出现问题时通知我们,让我们做好采取必要行动的准备。最终,我们恢复体内平衡或稳定,继续前进。 在某些情况下,压力源的存在持续存在,我们可能会适应它们,但它们仍然会引起压力。如果我们只是适应而不在压力源积累时解决它们,这会导致疲惫。如果你仔细想想,这个模型可以适用于精神压力、情绪压力和身体压力。 压力是否只能被有意识地感知到?现实情况是,大多数人无法描述甚至不知道他们生活中压力的所有细节,甚至可以避免关注它们,从而减少了他们的意识控制。我们的系统旨在与响应压力源的体电系统交互,以了解它通过对我们的特征数据库的反应要说些什么,然后通过意识、VARHOP 和三向量平衡减少压力反应。用整体洞察力填补缺失的空白压力语言没有介词、形容词或动词,所以我们必须查看反应,并与客户或患者一起有意识地确定为什么对特征的反应是强烈或弱、有益的压力或痛苦、想要的或不想要的。由于我们的矩阵包含大量特征类别,优先级模式在多个层面上出现。这个解释过程为我们的压力减轻方式带来了深度,并支持提高各个层面的意识,以从身心系统的角度实现健康。压力反应的语言意义深远,适用于所有层面,而且非常准确,但它仍然是一种主观反应,具有个人独有的特定含义,因此本身不具有诊断意义。使用我们的系统,客户或患者、从业者和系统之间可以进行三方对话。
硬件功能 提高生产率的技术 多频率发生器 简化了谐波相互作用的多个通道的生产率。 先进的现代傅立叶分析/变换、可编程波形、方波、尖峰、正弦波、锯齿波 傅立叶变换是一种数学模型,有助于在多个域之间转换信号。这改善了数据接收,以识别主要频率三向量模式。 附件托盘 将线束产生的信号延伸到托盘。 通信改进 与以前的设备相比,患者和计算机之间的通信现在提高了 1000 倍。
集成软件模块矩阵浏览器 “矩阵浏览器”面板是患者主要应激反应概况面板(称为“主矩阵”)的可搜索副本,其中显示超过 13,000 个电压特征,按应激反应强度排序。矩阵浏览器可用于在其他程序运行时更彻底地浏览项目(这可能会遮挡矩阵数据库的可见性),以及进行特定的矩阵单词或类别搜索,从而节省会话时间以提高工作效率。更好的是,双击您选择的矩阵行项目会将它们加载到称为“队列”的队列中,该队列将发送到主 EPX™️ 软件的活动矩阵面板,只需单击一下,程序就会自动在控制论生物反馈回路中连续处理每个应激反应,或者只需通过“个体反应”功能更彻底地探索更复杂的电反应信息。医生选择要解决的单词搜索和队列项目的汇编,而系统按照患者原始双盲压力反应强度的顺序放置您选择的项目,确保方法既尊重患者的优先反应,也尊重医生的目标专业知识。身体查看器身体查看器是一种生物反馈显示器,它将 EPX™️ 矩阵特征与解剖学、脉轮、减压计划等的视频表示相匹配。身体查看器与 EPX™️ 程序的主体处于集成的信息交换过程中,并在您在其他面板中工作时同时运行。您可以选择自己的选择,也可以运行从患者的主要压力反应概况中提取的自动程序流。身体查看器可以跟上您在主要 EPX™️ 会话中的进展,并且随着会话的展开,随着新出现的压力反应变得明显,可以通过自动导入矩阵项目轻松刷新。 Body Viewer 还可以转移到第二台显示器上,以便患者观看人体生物场的放松主题视频、移动的几何图案、自然场景、解剖学教育等。
SOH 词典 这个分项、按字母顺序排列的“书目疗法”软件程序是 IMUNE 提供的图书馆功能,致力于洞察“对健康的抑制和阻碍”(SOH)。由于 EPX™️ 理念基于自然的健康方法,因此该词典是按名称和症状简写定义的参考,以及来自传统中医方法、草药和营养概况、顺势疗法、行为心理学等的传统符号。由于 SOH 词典面板与主 EPX™️ 程序同时运行,因此可以在会话期间将其修改为更短或更长的时间段,以便使用基于“超意识”选择的特定 EPX™️ 程序设置进行更有针对性的强调。
处方使用面板 该面板专为遵循特定方案的处方家庭用户或忙碌的从业者而设计,他们喜欢在漫长的一天后拨打简单的减压课程进行自我护理。每个程序选择都配有灵活的计时器设置,允许使用长达 1.5 小时的较长课程,并提供更多主题选择,或者使用基于更少、更有针对性的程序选择的较短课程。处方使用面板还提供了我们称之为“超意识”的选项,这些选项是由 EPX™️ 校准和 VARHOP 参数确定的突出显示项目,以便更轻松地进行课程设计,从而消除决策中的猜测,尤其是在紧张的工作日结束时。还可以选择用户选择的偏好,例如面部肌肉再教育以提高外观,并且可以与“超意识”选择相结合,提供两全其美的效果。
虹膜学 此附加面板也是 IMUNE 提供的图书疗法库功能。作为主 EPX™️ 软件中最有价值的面板之一的虚拟复制,它可以在所有会话的后台同时运行。除了口头描述外,虹膜学程序还显示大量可与患者眼睛进行比较的虹膜变化照片示例,以及有关每个项目的因果关系概况的信息,所有这些都与相应的矩阵特征集成在一起。从解剖图片、特定眼部相关疾病的穴位、牙科肉瘤/鼻息肉特征和神圣几何图案,虹膜学面板旨在“全人关注”,以减轻压力和进行教育。报告生成和记录保存选项 EPX™️ 软件可以编译 VARHOP 参数、顶级矩阵特征反应性、您的速记笔记和会话中访问的面板的简单记录,或基于更全面解释的更长、更全面和更具教育意义的报告。选择权在您手中,取决于您的实践范围和需求。意识意图放大器该程序的运作方式类似于祈祷轮,允许手动输入意图,例如健康和成功目标,并结合不断快速“循环”的普遍积极肯定,以实现潜意识的普遍自我完善。精神教练还会在此面板中设计与客户信念相关的特定祈祷。该程序将任何执业者为特定患者设计的陈述存储在一个有组织的列表中,可以在患者下一次疗程中重新加载,通过重复进行强化,或者在必要时稍后进行编辑和阐述。量子物理学已经证实了意图医学和纠缠的积极影响,以至于大多数基于分子的临床试验都旨在消除意图推断安慰剂效应。尽管我们的系统最终被设计为真实压力反应的科学双盲概况,但是既然它可以在五分钟或更短的时间内添加到任何会话中并支持积极思考,为什么要消除意图的潜在力量和“纠缠”的积极影响呢?
EPX™️ Work With Super Fast EPR Data Processing EPR stands for "Electro Physiological Reactivity". Gain double-blind biofeedback stress reactivity to over 13,000 signatures of items from our world, while looking at overall body-electric parameters, all averaged out to show important profiles based on the individuality of every client or patient.
Epic Accuracy The extensive EPX™️ software is the best it has ever been, with faster and more accurate data processing of stress reactivity to over 13,000 voltametric signatures, and in calculations of the “VARHOP”. Stress reactivity to these signatures is established through a comprehensive “calibration” between the client or patient and the system, enabling a type of “handshake” to “meet” them at their own recognition level safely. Our vast database has electronic signatures of nutrients, sarcodes, isodes, nosodes, flower essences, emotional imponderables and more, which we measure stress reactivity to. EPX™️ is the result of more than 30 years of intensive R&D. we are the only manufacturer with the proprietary intellectual property license of this technology. How is Voltammetry Used? We use a unique three-dimensional Voltametric process to analyze organic and inorganic compounds, the “trivector” information of which is stored in our database of over 13,000 items, which we refer to as the “Matrix”. This proprietary process, also outlined in our 510(k) regulatory clearance, is what sets our system apart from others. Electrical resistance is then used to detect stress reactivity to those items at super fast biological speeds that are truly double blind. Unlike muscle testing, this process ensures that the practitioner nor the patient can interfere with the results. This was named the “Xrroid” process. What is the “VARHOP”? The VARHOP is an acronym that stands for Voltage, Amperage, Resistance, Hydration, Oxygenation and pH (acid/alkaline balance), as outlined in our 510(k) clearance. From these variables, biological capacitance, inductance, reactance, resonance, cellular vitality estimations, and more are formulaically translated into a scale of balance. This allows us to produce the most sophisticated bioenergetic system within a Biofeedback cybernetic loop to guarantee maximum safety and efficacy. Many other units use resistance readings alone, but our technology is designed to take a “systems” approach of how these factors work together within a model of stress and balance with each other. Our system represents these factors on a cohesive “graded scale”, rather than diagnostically using actual parameter readings. What is Trivector Analysis? As the name suggests, three vectors are used as a baseline for measuring the profile, or “signature”, of an item. That signature takes the form of an electronic shape that is more complex than two dimensional frequencies, and a closer electronic representation of a compound than a frequency alone. Trivector calculations are used both for analyzing and storing the signatures of substances as well as balancing overall Body-Electric parameters for stress reduction and balance.
A Completely Different Way Of Looking At Stress Looking beyond diagnostic parameters means embracing the intelligence of the "Body Electric". How does the innate intelligence of the Body Electric communicate? Through stress reactivity to precise electrical information. Both eu-stress (positive) and distress (negative) reactions can pave the way for understanding priorities that may be overlooked when working with strictly diagnostic approaches. Because stress reactivity is subjective, the uniqueness of every person unfolds in a way that is client or patient centered, opening up a more holistic and human connection that is deeply meaningful for both the operator and subject.
See What Your Body-Electric Is Trying To Tell You Everything you see in the EPX™️ software is based on communication from your Body-Electric, as driven by your Superconscious mind that governs autonomic nervous system functions. Individuated calibration process Reduces the need for multiple devices Displays multiple reactivity profiles Ensures double-blind results Shows improvement over conscious interventions Unique octagonal design compatible with energetic philosophy.
Get Used To The Relaxation Of Working Efficiently EPX™️ was designed to display multiple streams of data after a short period of reactivity profiling. Improves interview time by increasing client focus Increases client awareness and self-empowerment Supports mental acuity and relaxation Faster software loading time, increased stress reactivity accuracy Streamlined hardware designed for improved performance Does not require internet activity to operate Reduced tech support needed.
The Language Of Stress “Stress”. We use the term casually to describe unpleasant feelings of overwhelm and discomfort, but there’s much more to it than “distress” or even positive “eustress”. Dr. Hans Selye was the first scientist to use the term “stressors” in an adaptive model of “alarm, adaptation, and exhaustion”, which our system embraces. The Selye Adaptive Model Of Stress Ideally, we should react to stressors with an “alarm” reaction that notifies us when something isn’t right, which prepares us to take necessary action. Eventually, we return to homeostasis, or stability, and move along. In some circumstances, the presence of stressors persist, and we may adapt to them, but they can still cause stress. If we only adapt without resolving the stressors as they build up, this can lead to exhaustion. If you think about it, this model can apply to mental stress, emotional stress, and physical stress. Is Stress Only Consciously Perceived? The reality is that most people can’t describe or even know all the details of stress in their world, and can even avoid focusing on them, giving them less conscious control. Our system is designed to interface with the Body Electric system that responds to stressors to see what it has to say through reactions to our database of signatures, and then reduce the stress reaction through awareness, VARHOP, and Trivector balance. Filling The Missing Gaps With Holistic Insight The language of stress doesn’t have prepositions, adjectives, or verbs, so we have to look at reactions and, together with the client or patient, consciously determine why a reaction to a signature was strong or weak, eustress or distress, wanted or unwanted. With the large number of categories of signatures contained in our Matrix, patterns of priority emerge on multiple levels. This interpretive process brings depth to our style of stress reduction and supports raising awareness on all levels of being for a mind / body / emotional system approach to wellbeing. The language of stress reactivity is deeply profound, operative on all levels of being, and highly accurate, yet is still a subjective reaction with specific meaning unique to an individual, and therefore not diagnostic in and of itself. Using our system, there is a three-way dialogue between the client or patient, practitioner, and system.
Hardware Features Technologies That Enhance Productivity Multiple Frequency Generators Streamlined productivity on multiple channels for harmonic interaction. Sophisticated Modern Fourier Analysis/Transform , Programmable Waveforms, Square, Spike, Sinus, Saw Fourier Transform is a mathematical model which helps to transform the signal between multiple domains. This improves data reception for identification of predominant frequency trivector patterns. Accessory Tray Extends the signals generated to and from the harnesses to the tray. Communication Improved The communication between patient and computer is now 1000 times improved compared to prior devices.
Integrated Software Modules Matrix Explorer The "Matrix Explorer" panel is a searchable duplication of your patient's main stress- reactivity profile panel (referred to as the "Main Matrix"), with over 13,000 voltametric signatures displayed in order of strength of stress response. The Matrix Explorer can be used for perusing the items more thoroughly while other programs are running (which can obscure visibility of the Matrix database), and for conducting specific Matrix word or category searches, saving time in session for better productivity. Even better, double clicking Matrix line-items you choose loads them into a lineup called a "queue" that is sent to the main EPX™️ software's active-Matrix panel, where, with one click, the program will automatically address each stress reaction in succession in a cybernetic Biofeedback loop, or for simply exploring more thoroughly through the "Individual Reactions" function for more complex electrical reactivity information. The practitioner chooses the word searches and compilation of queue items to be addressed, while the system places your chosen items in the order of your patient's original double-blind stress reactivity strength, ensuring an approach honoring both the patient's prioritized responses and the practitioner's targeted expertise. Body Viewer The Body Viewer is a Biofeedback display that matches EPX™️ Matrix signatures with video representations of anatomy, chakras, stress reduction programs, and more. The Body Viewer is in an integrated information-exchange process with the main body of the EPX™️ program and runs simultaneously while you work in other panels. You can choose your own selections or run an automated flow of programs drawn from the patient's main stress reactivity profile. The Body Viewer can keep up with your progression through the main EPX™️ session and is easily refreshed with automatic importation of Matrix line items as emergent stress reactivity becomes apparent as the session unfolds. The Body Viewer can also be transferred to a second monitor display for the patient to view relaxation-themed videos of the human biofield, moving geometrical patterns, scenes from nature, anatomy education, and more.
S.O.H. Dictionary This itemized, alphabetized “bibliotherapy” software program is a library function provided by IMUNE, dedicated to insight into "Suppression and Obstruction to Health" (S.O.H.). Because the EPX™️ philosophy is based in natural approaches to wellness, the dictionary is a reference for short-hand definitions by name and symptoms, along with traditional notations from Traditional Chinese Medicine approaches, herbal and nutritional profiles, homeopathy, behavioral psychology, and more. Because the S.O.H. Dictionary panel operates simultaneously with the main EPX™️ program, it can be modified to shorter or longer periods of time during session for a more targeted emphasis using specific EPX™️ program settings based on "Superconscious" choices.
Prescription Use Panel This panel was designed for both prescription home users following a specific regimen, or for the busy practitioner who prefers to dial in an easy stress reduction session for self-care after a long day. Each program choice is coupled with flexible timer settings, allowing for either longer sessions up to 1.5 hours with a larger variety of theme choices, or a shorter session based on fewer, more targeted program selections. The Prescription Use panel also has options for what we refer to as "Superconscious" choices, which are highlighted items determined by the EPX™️ calibration and VARHOP parameters for easier session design that takes the guesswork out of decision making, especially at the end of a strenuous work day. User-choice preferences can also be chosen, such as facial muscle re-education for appearance, and can be combined with the "Superconscious" choices, providing the best of both worlds.
Iridology This adjunct panel is also a bibliotherapy library function provided by IMUNE. As a virtual duplication of one of the most valuable panels inside the main EPX™️ software, it can operate simultaneously in the background of all sessions. In addition to verbal descriptions, the Iridology program displays numerous photo examples of iris changes that can be compared against the patient's eyes, along with information about each item's causation profile, all integrated with corresponding Matrix signatures. From pictures of anatomy, acupuncture points for specific eye related complaints, dental sarcode/nosode signatures, and sacred geometry patterns, the Iridology panel is designed for a "whole person focus" for stress reduction and education. Report Generation and Record Keeping Options The EPX™️ software compiles either a simple record of VARHOP parameters, top Matrix signature reactivity, your short-hand notes, and panels visited in session, or a longer, more comprehensive and educational report based on fuller explanation. The choice is yours, in keeping with your scope of practice and needs. Consciousness Intention Amplifier This program operates like a prayer wheel, allowing for intentions, such as goals for wellbeing and success, to be manually entered, coupled with generalized positive affirmations continuously "cycling" at a rapid speed for subliminal general self- improvement. Spiritual Coaches also design specific prayers central to the client's beliefs in this panel. The program stores any practitioner-designed statements for specific patients in an organized list, which can be reloaded in his or her next session for reinforcement through repetition, or edited and elaborated upon later if necessary. Quantum physics has validated the positive impact of intention medicine and entanglement, to the extent that most molecularly-based clinical trials are designed to remove intention from inferring a placebo effect. Although our system was ultimately designed as a scientific double-blind profile of true stress reactivity, why remove the potential power of intention and the positive impacts of the "entanglement" when it can be added to any session in five minutes or less, and supports positive thinking。
这种最新的 QUEX-ED™ 生物反馈系统型号是 Quantum 生物反馈系统系列中的最新一代。 QUEX-ED™ 生物反馈系统是非常流行的 SCIO 和 EDUCTOR 生物反馈模型的前身,并经过改进,现在建立在更强大的医疗级脑电图 (EEG) 芯片、肌电图 (EMG) 芯片和心电图 (EKG) 芯片之上。
这些新的增强功能可以更准确地测试和检测与大脑电活动相关的异常,并测量心跳的电活动。患者/客户压力因素的所有关键指标,QUEX-ED™ 生物反馈系统的再培训计划可以更好地协助再教育和平衡过程。
This latest QUEX-ED™ Biofeedback System model is the latest generation in the long line of Quantum Biofeedback systems. The QUEX-ED™ Biofeedback System is the predecessor of very popular SCIO and EDUCTOR Biofeedback models and has been improved, now building upon an ever greater medical grade electroencephalogram (EEG) chip, electromyography (EMG) chip and an electrocardiogram (EKG) chip.
These new enhanced features enable more accurate testing and detection of abnormalities related to electrical activity of the brain and measurement of the electrical activity of the heartbeat. All key indicators of the patient/client’s stress factors for which the QUEX-ED™ Biofeedback System’s retraining programs can better assist in the re-education and balancing process.
EDUCTOR 是一种非凡的设备,可以帮助平衡过度紧张的身体系统。通过它的方法,它可以将系统的肾上腺水平、愈合能力、通过系统的能量流动、体内的水和氧气水平以及细胞健康状况制成表格。它测量您身体系统的数千个不同参数,包括脊柱能量流和毒性。
EDUCTOR 可以帮助纠正过敏、食物敏感、体重增加、消化和肠道问题、压力、疲劳、失眠、抑郁、关节炎、皮肤问题、头痛和偏头痛的根本原因。最重要的是,它不仅可以读取这些不平衡,还可以帮助纠正它们,因为它同时在 20 个单独的频道上工作,与您的身体来回交谈,随时进行纠正。所有校正都是通过皮肤进行的 -- 没有什么是内部的。它做到了这一点 - 不是通过生物化学,传统医学的方式 - 而是通过生物物理学!这就是量子力学——一旦身体的物理学得到平衡,化学反应就会自动出现。
EDUCTOR 的准确性建立在生物反馈医学领域 30 年的研究基础上。EDUCTOR 扫描身体并协助进行详细评估,通过顺势疗法生物共振自动频率帮助纠正身体。治疗和测试是非侵入性的,令人放松!该计划可增强您的整体健康状况,通过意识增加健康,提高性能,提高能量水平,放松和减轻压力。
EDUCTOR 是一种最先进的诱发电位生物反馈系统,用于压力检测和减轻压力,由 Bill Nelson 教授/Desire Dubounet 设计。
A 型头带与踝带和腕带一起连接到 EDUCTOR 设备。然后将其连接到计算机。
第一阶段是扫描和测量客户的电气参数。这是一个自动过程,由计算机完成,以便校准个人并获得一组基线测量值。这被称为 “握手”。
校准完成后,EDUCTOR 会让客户受到微小的电脉冲,并监控客户对高分的反应。为每个测试项目提供反应分数。数字越高,该项目对客户端越具体。
EDUCTOR 的一个独特功能是能够自动 “关注” 客户的主要关注点。在测试过程中,该设备会与数千个组织、器官、病原体、营养物质、毒素和过敏原产生百分之一秒的共振,并记录您的身体反应程度。这种类型的快速测试被称为 Xrroid 过程。
EDUCTOR 像计算机上的 VirusScan 一样扫描客户的身体,查找病毒、缺陷、弱点、过敏、异常和食物敏感性等所有内容。它报告您体内的生物反应性和共振,并指示需求、功能障碍和脆弱性。所提供的信息与 X 光片、血液检查等有着根本的不同,因为它告诉我们您身体的能量状态以及身体能量集中的方向。
SCIO (科学意识接口操作,拉丁语“我知道”)和QXCI (量子Xrroid意识接口)利用由硬件和软件组成的诱发电位生物反馈技术。硬件包括一个连接到计算机的数字接口盒,电极位于连接到客户端末端的带子内。
EDUCTOR/SCIO 是一种非常精确的生物反馈减压系统,结合了生物反馈和减压的优点。在测试过程中,EDUCTOR/SCIO 设备与数千个组织、器官、营养物质、毒素和过敏原产生百分之一秒的共振,并记录身体的反应程度。这种类型的快速测试被称为 Xrroid 过程。EDUCTOR/SCIO 测量电压和电流电位以及皮肤电阻。
为了测量经皮皮肤抵抗力,我们对身体施加了医学上安全的可变微电流。保证客户安全。电压、安培数和电阻的变化为我们提供了决定 Xrroid 的反应性曲线。有可能将量子物理学、新兴的计算机技术、非线性数学和“模糊逻辑”结合到一个设备中,该设备包含了所有这些的精华,同时最大限度地减少了人为偏见和错误、合成化学品和侵入性手术。
EDUCTOR 是提高自我意识和改善当前健康状况的非凡工具。它是一种最先进的诱发电位生物反馈系统,用于压力检测和减轻压力,不仅能够检测一个人的身体健康状况,还能够检测潜在的情绪,并将其与个人身体过程联系起来。
EDUCTOR 实际上是如何工作的?
在分析过程中,客户通过头部、脚踝和腕带连接到 EDUCTOR 计算机系统。在 3 分钟内,该设备会运行超过 11,000 次组织、器官、营养物质、毒素和过敏原的频率,每次运行百分之一秒,并记录您的身体反应程度。这种类型的快速评估被称为 Xrroid 过程。
然后,客户产生共鸣的频率以全彩显示的形式记录回计算机。客户共鸣的补救措施类型是个人健康的重要线索。3 分钟测试结束后,治疗师可以选择数百种不同类型的疗法来帮助疏通客户体内的压力。这些课程非常放松且完全无创。
EDUCTOR 像计算机上的 VirusScan 一样扫描您的身体,查找病毒、缺陷、弱点、过敏、异常和食物敏感性等所有内容。它报告您体内的生物反应性和共振,并指出需求、功能障碍和脆弱性。
EDUCTOR 提供的信息与 X 射线、血液检查等有着根本的不同,因为它告诉我们一个人身体的能量状态以及身体能量集中的方向。在测试过程中,EDUCTOR 设备与数千个组织、器官、营养物质、毒素和过敏原产生共鸣,每个组织、器官、毒素和过敏原产生 1/100 秒的共振,并记录身体的反应程度。
一旦 EDUCTOR 测量了维生素水平、氨基酸、脂肪酸、营养素、食物物质、血液、矿物质、酶、天然糖、毒素、激素水平、铬、肌肉张力、疾病、过敏、情绪、细菌、霉菌、真菌、蠕虫、病毒以及内部器官的健康和平衡,然后将这些数字与标准进行比较。
EDUCTOR(在欧洲称为 SCIO)是一个高度复杂的程序,其传感器通过电线连接到脚踝、手腕和前额,用于测量和馈送 EDUCTOR 和客户之间的共振信息。在您的身体和大脑中发生的离子反应交换(1/100 秒)被测量为您体内的能量成分。通过反馈回路,该设备测量您的共振脉冲,并发回您的身体响应的交替脉冲。反过来,您的身体会改变自己的电抗脉冲,从而产生变化。
例如,从疼痛到无痛,从恶性到良性,从强迫性到无焦虑,从不平衡到平衡。与市场上其他具有“自动对焦”功能的设备不同,EDUCTOR 可以调整生物反馈疗法,以确保并在治疗过程中不断调整正确的设置。
EDUCTOR 是一种诱发电位生物反馈装置。此功能消除了对 rife、bio-com 和电针专业知识的需求。
EDUCTOR 基本上概述了影响客户健康和福祉的任何事情。例如,如果某人有消化问题,EDUCTOR 可能会显示他们小时候患有沙门氏菌,这仍然给他们带来问题。或者,如果一个人长期疲倦,则可能表明针灸能量不平衡。对各种类型的食物、化学品和其他物质的反应被揭示出来,可以通过采访客户和访问 EDUCTOR 程序中的其他程序和屏幕来进一步调查,以找到模式和更多线索。
EDUCTOR 不仅仅是一个应力检测工具。EDUCTOR 上有很多程序,它在测量了身体的频率后,还会反馈自己的频率以重新处理或中和破坏性的波形。在某些情况下,它可能会增加一个频率,在其他情况下,它可能会反转它以增强或抵消身体自身的共振。EDUCTOR 不仅揭示了身体的消极方面,还揭示了结合的积极方面。然而,在试图改善和振兴健康时,我们往往更多地关注消极方面,以便它们可以得到重新解决。
EDUCTOR 如何使身体恢复活力?
由于 EDUCTOR 是使用量子物理学原理设计的,因此这个问题问起来容易,回答起来容易。基本上,在治疗过程中,EDUCTOR 会测量身体的共振/电抗模式,并确定自上次测量以来(不到一秒)在时间段内发生了什么好处。如果没有改进,则 input resonance 会改变。只要有帮助,它就会保留每个有益的设置,并在它不再有用时立即更改它。
EDUCTOR 可以用于儿童吗?
EDUCTOR 非常适合儿童,因为他们通常无法口头表达他们为什么会受苦。例如,随着 EDUCTOR 发现了食物不耐受等促成因素,许多患有行为问题的儿童已经看到了相当大的改善。
为什么选择 EDUCTOR Quantum 生物反馈?
熟悉其他类似类型机器的人会理解 EDUCTOR 所代表的巨大技术进步。
The Quantum Biofeedback System
The EDUCTOR quantum biofeedback technology is a sophisticated and the art health that facilitates restoration, wholeness, and well-being through quantum energetics.
Introducing the EDUCTOR, an Evoked Potential Biofeedback System.
The most advanced Bio-resonant device in the world today. The stress of living in today's environmentally complicated world can lead to many pressures upon the body system. These stresses often result in a lowered immune system, chronic pain, low performance, depression, insomnia and emotional ups and downs. If these imbalances are not resolved chronic disease often results.
The EDUCTOR is an extraordinary device that can help balance the over-stressed body system. Through its approach it can tabulate your system's adrenal level, its ability to heal, the flow of energy through your system, levels of water and oxygen in your body, as well as your cellular health. It measures thousands of different parameters of your body system including spinal energy flow and toxicity.
The EDUCTOR can help correct underlying causes of allergies, food sensitivities, weight gain, digestive and bowel problems, stress, fatigue, insomnia, depression, arthritis, skin problems, headaches and migraines. Best of all, it cannot only read these imbalances, but it can help correct them because it works on 20 separate channels simultaneously, talking back and forth with your body, making corrections as it goes. All corrections are made through the skin -- nothing is internal. And it does this -- not through bio-chemistry, the way of traditional medicine - but through bio-physics! This is quantum mechanics -- once the physics of the body is balanced, the chemistry follows of its own accord.
The EDUCTOR has an accuracy founded in 30 years of research in the field of biofeedback medicine. The EDUCTOR scans the body and assists in detailed assessment, helping to correct the body via homeopathic bio-resonance auto frequencies. The treatments and tests are non-invasive and relaxing! The program enhances your general health, increases wellness through awareness, improves performance, increases energy levels, relaxes and decreases stress.
EDUCTOR is a state of the art evoked potential Biofeedback system for stress detection and stress reduction, designed by Professor Bill Nelson/Desire Dubounet.
The a head harness is attached along with ankle and wrist straps to the EDUCTOR device. This is then attached to a computer.
The first stage is to scan and measure the client's electrical parameters. This is an automatic process and is done by the computer in order to calibrate the individual and obtain a set of baseline measurements. This is known as the "handshake."
Once calibration is complete the EDUCTOR subjects the client to minute electrical impulses and monitors how the client reacts in terms of a high score. A reaction score is given to each tested item. The higher the number the more specific that item is for the client.
Auto Focus
Once calibration is complete the client's main concerns are established and highlighted The practitioner now initiates a more thorough investigation of the client's current state of health.
A unique feature of the EDUCTOR is the ability to automatically "focus in" on the main concerns of the client. During testing, the device resonates with thousands of tissues, organs, pathogens, nutrients, toxins and allergens for one-hundredth of a second each, and records the degree to which your body reacts. This type of rapid testing is known as the Xrroid process.
The EDUCTOR scans the client's body like a VirusScan on a computer, looking for everything from viruses, deficiencies, weaknesses, allergies, abnormalities and food sensitivities. It reports on the biological reactivity and resonance in your body and indicates needs, dysfunction and vulnerabilities. The information provided is fundamentally different from X-rays, blood tests, etc., as it tells us about the energetic state of your body and the direction in which the body is focusing its energy.
The EDUCTOR/QXCI/SCIO/EPFX and INDIGO are the same device, which are known as the EDUCTOR in the USA and the SCIO world wide.
The SCIO (Scientific Consciousness Interface Operation, the Latin word “I know”) & The QXCI (Quantum Xrroid Consciousness Interface) utilizes evoked potential biofeedback technology which consists of both hardware and software. The hardware consists of a digital interface box attached to the computer with electrodes within straps that attach to the extremities of a client.
The EDUCTOR/SCIO is an incredibly accurate biofeedback stress reduction system, combining the best of biofeedback and stress reduction. During testing, the EDUCTOR/SCIO device resonates with thousands of tissues, organs, nutrients, toxins and allergens for one-hundredth of a second each, and records the degree to which the body reacts. This type of rapid testing is known as the Xrroid process. The EDUCTOR/SCIO measures voltage and current potential as well as skin resistance.
To measure trans-cutaneous skin resistance, we apply a medically safe, variant micro-current to the body. Client safety is guaranteed. The changes in voltage, amperage, and resistance give us reactivity profiles, which determine the Xrroid. With the possibilities of combining quantum physics, emerging computer technology, nonlinear math and ‘fuzzy logic’ into a device that encompasses the best of all of them while minimizing human bias and error, synthetic chemicals, and invasive surgeries.
What is EDUCTOR?
The EDUCTOR is a remarkable tool for increasing self awareness and improving ones present state of health. It is a state of the art evoked potential biofeedback system for stress detection and stress reduction and is able to detect not only the physical state of a person's health but the underlying emotions and relate these to individual body processes.
How does EDUCTOR actually work?
During analysis, the client is connected to the EDUCTOR computer system via the head, ankle and wrist harnesses. In 3 minutes the device runs over 11,000 frequencies of tissues, organs, nutrients, toxins and allergens for one-hundredth of a second each, and records the degree to which your body reacts. This type of rapid assessment is known as the Xrroid Process.
The frequencies that the client resonates with are then registered back to the computer in a full color display. The types of remedies that the client resonates with are significant clues to the health of the individual. After the 3 minute test is over the therapist can then select hundreds of different types of therapies to help unblock the stresses within the clients body. The sessions are very relaxing and completely noninvasive.
The EDUCTOR scans your body like a VirusScan on a computer, looking for everything from viruses, deficiencies, weaknesses, allergies, abnormalities and food sensitivities. It reports on the biologic reactivity and resonance in your body and indicates needs, dysfunction's and vulnerabilities.
The information provided by the EDUCTOR is fundamentally different from X-rays, blood tests, etc., as it tells us about the energetic state of one's body and the direction in which the body is focusing its energy. During testing, the EDUCTOR device resonates with thousands of tissues, organs, nutrients, toxins and allergens for one/one-hundredth of a second each, and records the degree to which the body reacts.
Once the EDUCTOR has measured vitamin levels, amino acids, fatty acids, nutrients, food substances, blood, minerals, enzymes, natural sugars, toxins, hormone levels, chromes, muscle tone, disease, allergies, emotions, bacteria, molds, fungi, worms, viruses and the health and balance of internal organs, it then compares these figures with a norm.
Many Devices are only one-way communications and do not alter the course of therapy with client progress. Also many devices don't give therapies, just remedies which have to be individually purchased.
The EDUCTOR (Known as the SCIO in Europe) is a highly sophisticated program with sensors attached by wires to the ankles, wrists and forehead that measure and feed resonance information between the EDUCTOR and the client. The ionic exchanges of reaction that take place in your body and brain (at 1/100 of a second) are measured as energetic components in your body. With a feedback loop, the device measures your resonance pulse and sends back an alternate pulse to which your body responds. In turn, your body alters its own reactance pulse, thus creating a change.
For example, from pain to no pain, malignant to benign, compulsive to anxiety-free, imbalance to balance. Unlike the other devices on the market the 'auto focus' function, the EDUCTOR can adjust biofeedback therapies to ensure and constantly adjust the correct settings during therapy.
The EDUCTOR is an Evoked Potential Biofeedback Device. This function eliminates the need for expert knowledge about rife, bio-com and electro-acupuncture.
How does it help?
The EDUCTOR basically outlines anything that is affecting the health and wellness of the client. For example, if someone has digestive trouble, the EDUCTOR may show that they had salmonella as a child, which is still causing them problems. Or if a person is chronically tired, it could show an acupuncture energy imbalance. Reactions to various types of foods, chemicals, and other substances are revealed and can be further investigated by interviewing the client and by visiting other programs and screens within the EDUCTOR program to locate patterns and more clues.
The EDUCTOR is more than just a stress detection tool. There are so many programs on the EDUCTOR, which after measuring the body's frequencies, also feeds back its own frequencies to readdress or neutralize destructive wave patterns. In some cases it may add a frequency, in others reverse it to either enhance or counteract the body's own resonance The EDUCTOR does not just reveal negative aspects of the body but the positive aspects in conjunction. However, in attempting to improve and revitalize health, we tend to focus more on the negative aspects, so that they can be readdressed.
How does EDUCTOR revitalize the body?
As the EDUCTOR has been devised using the principles of Quantum Physics, that question is easily asked than answered. Basically, during treatment, the EDUCTOR measures the body's resonance/reactance pattern and determines what benefit has occurred in the time period since the last measurement (less than a second earlier). If there has not been an improvement, the input resonance is altered. It maintains each beneficial setting as long as it is helping and changes it as soon as it is no longer useful.
Can EDUCTOR be used on children?
The EDUCTOR is ideally suited for children, as they are often unable to verbally communicate why they are suffering. For example, many children suffering from behavioral problems have seen considerable improvements, as the EDUCTOR unearthed contributing factors, such as food intolerance.
Why EDUCTOR Quantum Biofeedback?
Those who are familiar with other similar types of machines will understand the tremendous technological advancement represented by the EDUCTOR.